We at The BMJ care about food, and if our listener stats are to be believed, so do you. In this podcast we’re looking at quality as an important driver of a good diet. At our recent food conference - Food For Thought - hosted in Zurich by Swiss Re we brought researchers in many fields of nutritional science together. We asked people with competing ideas to write articles to elucidate where there’s agreement, and where there is still contention. There was lots of disagreement - but one thing that was widely agreed on was that, quality of food matters. Quality is as, if not more, important than quantity. In this podcast we’ll be exploring what quality is, how industrial food production affects it, and how we conceptualise quality. Joining us are Martin White, Mathilde Touvier, Jean Adams, Nicola Guess and Alan Levinovitz. For the last podcast in the food series: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/nutritional-science-why-studying-what-we-eat-is-so-difficult? For more on the Food for Thought series