Thursday May 14, 2020
Soumya Swaminathan - WHO’s chief scientist is trying to fix research during a pandemic
If you’re a regular listener to our podcasts, you’ll have heard how Covid is exposing the cracks in our systems of healthcare - from showing how poorly provisioned elderly social care is, to how antibody testing issues have exposing how innovation is uncoordinated and driven by the worst bits of the free market. In this podcast we talked to Soumya Swaminathan, the WHO’s first Chief scientist, and ask about how the world’s foremost normative body for health tackle some of this issues.
We talk about agenda setting - and how the WHO is trying to prioritise neglected areas of research, how they’re starting to set standards for evidence driven by public rather than commercial priorities, and how, if and when a vaccine for corona virus is finally created - they can help it be distributed equitably, rather than to those with the most money to spend.