2018 will go down in history as a year of reckoning as the year that that some men’s behaviour came back to bite them. The continuing impact of #MeToo across the world has prompted another round of thinking about women’s experiences in medicine, which can be seen this year’s christmas journal In this podcast, Esther Choo and Eleni Lenos, join us to discuss their research into mother's experiences of being doctors - and how discrimination is still rife against them. Also Sarah Lowry, from the Royal College of Physicians brings us some other women's voices - this time from the RCP exhibition "This vexed Question: 500 years of women in medicine" Visit the exhibition: https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/events/vexed-question-500-years-women-medicine Physician mothers’ experience of workplace discrimination: a qualitative analysis https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4926 A lexicon for gender bias in academia and medicine