Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Healthcare leaders discuss the ways in which colonial-era bias and eugenics persist in today’s medical education and clinical practice in the UK and beyond, and what meaningful change is required to overcome racial and other healthcare inequalities
Our panel
Annabel Sowemimo, sexual and reproductive health registrar and part-time PhD student and Harold Moody Scholar at King’s College London, UK
Thirusha Naidu, head of clinical psychology, King Dinuzulu Hospital, and associate professor, Department of Behavioural Medicine, School of Nursing and Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Subhadra Das, UK based researcher and storyteller who specialises in the history and philosophy of science, particularly scientific racism and eugenics
Amali Lokugamage, honorary associate professor, Institute of Women's Health, University College London, and consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Whittington Hospital, London, UK
Host - Richard Hurley, collections editor at The BMJ
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Planet centred care - How to talk about this stuff
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
We’ve heard throughout the series from people who have a passion for sustainability, and have successfully made changes in their organisations to reduce the planetary impact of their work. In doing so, they will have recruited other people who have a similar outlook - but they will have also convinced people who aren’t prioritising sustainability.
In this last podcast of the series, we’re delving into that - how to talk to colleagues and patients, in ways which connect with their own needs and preferences.
To help with that, we’re joined by David Pencheon, director of the Sustainable Development Unit for NHS England, who’s been successfully talking about these issues for years, and Kate Wylie, executive director of Doctors for the Environment Australia.
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Planet centred care - Why doing less can be hard
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
One element of sustainable healthcare is simply reducing the amount of healthcare you’re doing by not doing the things that are of no value to patients. However, how do we do this in practice? And why is it often so hard? What is the role of fear in this discussion? These are all questions we will discuss in this episode.
To help us with this we’ll be joined by Prof Ben Newell (cognitive psychologist from University of New South Wales, whose research interest includes judgement and decision making). and Dr Lucas Chartier, emergency medicine physician at the University Health Network in Toronto.
Ben Newell also has also recently released a book, Open Minded, co-authored with David Shanks on the role of the unconscious mind in our decisions making
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Planet centred care - Sustainable healthcare is better for patients
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Acting on climate change is often framed as having to give stuff up, to cost more money, to make sacrifices. Yet in healthcare we find the opposite can often be true: there are many actions we can take which reduce the carbon footprint of healthcare which actually end up with better outcomes for our patients. In this episode, we hear from two examples of that.
Singing for breathing is a type of social prescribing to help people with chronic lung disease manage their breathlessness, reducing their need to be reliant on healthcare to do this, while also finding joy and a sense of community. Stephen is one patient who has benefited from this service, and will tell us more about the impact it had on his life.
In another example, Lynn Riddell, an HIV consultant will tell us how a change in their clinical pathway helped a cohort of patients reduce the amount of travelling to and from the clinic, still manage their condition safely and give them back precious time and control.
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Planet centred care - Sustainable healthcare is good for staff
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Ooops! If you listened to episode 3 when it first came out you may have realised that the title didn't quite match the content. We've just updated the title and the show notes below, and stay tuned for when we'll be soon releasing an episode on how sustainable healthcare can be good for patients.
In a system where healthcare workers are continually described as overworked and burnt out, how can we expect them to find the time to act on the climate? In this episode we turn that assumption on its head, and, in fact, show how acting to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare can help staff find joy in their work again. Our two guests today are Tracy Lyons, founder of Pharmacy Declares and medicines optimisation pharmacist in Dorset, UK, and David Smith, general surgeon at North York General Hospital in Toronto, Canada.
The very worst thing is sometimes to have a problem you feel you can’t solve, and action mitigates anxiety: these are two of the many lessons that came out of today’s episode. We also touch on the different levels that you can start to take action at: from the small and tangible to influencing change at a system level.
Related links:
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Talking overdiagnosis
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
In this month's Talk Evidence, Helen and Juan are reporting from Preventing Overdiagnosis - the conference that raises issues of diagnostic accuracy, and asks if starting the process of medicalisation is always the right thing to do for patients.
In this episode, they talk about home testing, sustainability and screening. They're also joined by two guests to talk about the overdiagnosis of obesity - when that label is stigmatising and there seem to be few successful treatments that medicine can offer, and the need to educate students in the concepts of overdiagnosis and too much medicine, to create a culture change in medicine.
The Preventing Overdiagnosis conference
The BMJ EBM papers on choosing wisely.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Planet centred care - It’s all about working together
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Healthcare is a complex system, and if we want to make changes such as those needed for sustainable healthcare, we need to work across multiple teams, and make sure we hear everyone’s voice, including our patients’. In this episode we’ll discuss how we can communicate and work with those different groups, and some novel ways of getting the message across from T-rexes worth of plastic gloves to art made out of surgical waste.
Guests for this episode:
Nicola Wilson, lead clinical educator, Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital, and Maria Koijck, artist and former patient. You can read more about the Gloves are Off project here https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/news/gloves-are-off/
You can see Maria’s film here: https://www.mariakoijck.com/
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Planet centred care - Greening the gaze
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Planet centred care is new podcast series for the BMJ exploring issues related to environmentally sustainable healthcare, aimed at all clinicians, and anyone working in healthcare, who want to make sure they can continue to help patients while not harming the planet.
In this episode we’ll discuss that first radicalising moment. That moment where you start to see all the things you can do to make healthcare more sustainable and how it is hard to un-see that. For everyone, that moment may come from a different place, or different perspective.
Our guests for this episode:
Gareth Murcutt who was at first reluctant until he saw the size of the impact he could make; Gwen Sims whose eyes were opened by moving health systems (and continents) and Alifia Chakera who didn’t expect to find a huge sustainability saving so close to home when she took up a new clinical role before the pandemic.
Loren De Freitas and Florence Wedmore, the BMJ
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
The problem with trainees - The GMC’s National Training Survey results data
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
In our final episode of this season, we're going quantitative, with the newly released data on how trainees in the UK are faring.
Each year the UK's General Medical Council, the doctor's regulator, surveys trainees in the NHS to ask them questions about stress and burnout, harassment and discrimination, and how well supported they feel in their training. They also ask trainers about the same things.
Unsurprisingly, the year the results look bad - with increasing levels of burnout across the board, but particularly in new trainees. At the same time trainers are feeling unable to use their time supporting learning, and instead are propping up the system.
To discuss this, Clara Munro and Ayisha Ashmore are joined by Colin Melville, medical director, and director of education and standards, at the GMC.
All the data discussed, and the interactive tool that Colin mentions, are available on the GMC's National training survey 2023 results page.
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Ensuring the integrity of research, and the future of AI as authors
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
In this month's Talk Evidence, we're getting a little meta - how do we keep an eye on research to make sure it's done with integrity. Helen Macdonald is BMJ's Publication ethics and content integrity editor - and we quiz her about what that actually means on a day to day basis.
Ensuring the integrity of research could be made both easier, and harder, by the ascendance of large language models, Ian Mulvany, BMJ's chief technology officer joins us to talk about how we can harness the power of this new technology.